Welcome to the LinguaFrame blog. We’ve now been publishing textbooks for bilingual schools* and English language learning materials for 7 years, and here we’ll be blogging about some of the things that we’ve learned during that period. We’ll also post about some of the curiosities of the English language, strategies for language learning, the differences between English and Spanish, and bilingualism in general. Many of our posts will be available in English and Spanish.
Comments are welcome, in English or Spanish. If you’re a teacher and you would like to contribute a guest post, please get in touch with us. Guest posts can also be written in Spanish or English.
* Bilingual schools are schools that teach non-language subjects – like geography, science and maths – in two different languages: Spanish and a foreign language. In Spain there are over 5000 bilingual schools, which makes it the biggest programme of its kind in the world. In this blog, we’ll mainly use the term bilingual education, as it’s the most common name for this model of education. However, in parts of Spain with their own regional languages and where they teach in more than one foreign language the equivalent programmes are actually plurilingual.